(Unknown) Perrine
Per, Perry/Perri, Kid, Little One, Captain, Jell-O, Jellyfish, Goblin, Slime/Goo, Pipsqueak/Runt, Booger
Half Quilon, half ?
(Semiaquatic hybrid)
Current residence:
Her spaceship / home𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘵less
Circa 350 (earth) years old
2′9 ft / 83 cm
44 pounds / 20 kg
Depends on the verse / the lingua franca of the galaxy/quadrant/system. She's also equipped with a translator.
Any are fine, but I use she / her.
Body type:
Confident and a bit squeaky
Chaotic Neutral
Wears usually a shabby greyish-white poncho with a pink ring planet-shaped pin (a translator) attached to it. Sometimes you can find her wearing an oversized T-shirt. For her, running around naked is a completely legitimate option as well.
When spending time on a planet where people aren’t familiar with extraterrestrial lifeforms, she hides her body in a spacesuit or uses whatever she can find there.She mostly carries a gun and a “multi-pad” with her.Personality:
Perrine is a confident, mischievous and curious adventurer who often gets into trouble. On the other hand, she can be very lazy and spends lots of time with sleeping, taking naps, eating and/or watching TV.
Together with her companion and guardian D.O.T., Perrine lives in her spaceship Liae, which she uses to go to places she hadn't been before.Likes:
Fast food and sweets, her friends and making new ones, adventures/exploring, swimming, teasing people, dressing up/acting, soap operas, cold weather, hair and fur, shiny things
Being hungry, work, grumpy people, authority figures, doctors, heat, being alone, cleaning, books (unless it's a picture-book..)
Socializing, stealing, lying, darkvision, able to live and breathe in water, hunting (small fish and such), has a basic knowledge of: lockpicking, hacking, astronomy, alien technology, piloting ships..
Brave, clever, confident, cheerful, optimistic, funny
Lazy, impatient, stubborn, rebellious, forgetful, reckless / impulsive, sassy, insensitive / sometimes offensive, delinquent, greedy, has a short attention span, immature, sometimes talks too much (nonsense)
She had never attended school or similar.
Perrine doesn’t know much about her species (she can't remember them) and home planet, but pretends not to care about it. Secretly, she tries quite a lot to find out more about her origin.
Fact is that she’s the only one of her kind.The Quilon were killed by a humanoid species and even her home planet was destroyed by them. Before that happened, the last survivors sent baby-Perrine with a rescue capsule to a safer place. At least that was the plan. But something hit the capsule and it crashed on a junk planet where D.O.T. found and eventually took care for her.The Quilon’s appearance remind of a jellyfish. During the war, a pregnant Quilon got 'infected’ with the DNA from the humanoid species, causing the newborn (Perrine) to be a hybrid. (How is that even supposed to work? Idk, please don’t ask. :D)Anatomy & physiology:
Her gelatinous body is completely boneless, which makes it very flexible.
It's also quite transparent.Since she isn’t really “made” for being out of water, spending time on land, especially walking, quickly gets exhausting.Her eyes are very light sensitive. Which is why Perrine is mostly active at night.She doesn't have a nose, smells with her mouth.Can glow in the dark.The Quilon were able to communicate telepathically; That’s what the antennae are actually for. Perrine is only able to sense other beings with telepathic abilities around her and even danger, but has sometimes trouble to interpret this correctly. A telepathic contact will also give her a headache. Additionally, they show her current mood.Her tentacles may sting you. Perrine doesn't always have control over it, or she just forgets about that. It usually just hurts, but can be dangerous for small living beings.
They can also be used for grabbing things.
Other than Perrine’s hands, which have short fingers (three + one thumb on each), her legs are more like tentacles and toeless.To rehydrate and detoxify her body, Perrine needs at least every day a bath, but often forgets to take one and wonders why she is starting to feel sick.

☆ Perrine has two birthmarks at the skin area where the Quilon had their wings.☆ Due to an "accident" with a giant and acid-spitting butterfly-like creature, she had lost the tip of a head-tentacle. The limb regrew, but it's shorter than the others and there still is a visible scar.
It's not the only one, though.
☆ Perrine drools A LOT while asleep.
Also due to the fact that she primarily breathes through the mouth.
In water, her body absorbs oxygen through the skin.
☆ Gets often mistaken for a slime or child.☆ The limbs / tentacles are able to regrow; cells regenerate quickly, in general.☆ She can literally sleep everywhere, and no matter how noisy it is.☆ To know nothing about her species' lifespan frightens her more than she would ever admit.☆ Like the Quilon, Perrine hatched from an (also jelly-like) egg.☆ She collects those gift shop T-Shirts (the ones with the cities' name on it), which mostly are oversized.☆ Her blood is transparent and quite viscous.☆ The antennae (and the area around them) are very sensitive.☆ Her tongue is pretty long and also tentacle-like.
Due to the lack of teeth, Perrine has to use it to "chew".
The tongue is quite strong, but can't grind hard food, like, idk, nuts. Chewy things, like meat, are also a problem.
☆ Personal space is an unknown concept to her..☆ Sometimes she pretends to be a child, to either have fun with playing with other children, or to get affection / free candy.
.. or away with crimes..
☆ What Perrine smells like? I think it's quite neutral with a hint of ocean.☆ It's nearly impossible to offend or annoy Perrine.☆ When nervous or excited, she unwittingly fiddles with her brooch, also her tentacles will start to sway slightly.☆ Having some Terran friends, visiting Earth occasionally, and watching their TV program frequently, it became a habit to copy some of their gestures. Perrine also knows a few traditions and stuff.☆ She can't sing ‒ it sounds horrible!☆ Giving a nickname is usually the first thing Perrine does when meeting someone new.☆ Perrine spent quite a lot of time – around 50 years – on that junk planet she grew up on.☆ Her ears are just two tiny holes.☆ Using the ‘bell’, Perrine is able to move through water like a jellyfish.

☆ This is what Perrine looked like as a baby.☆ D.O.T. had its knowledge of raising children from books/data/whatever it found on that junk-planet. Those were information about completely different species!☆ It had chosen her name with the help of a "random name generator".

It's always a mess inside, so be careful to not trip over takeaway boxes, souvenirs and other things. The walls are full of holo-pictures of Perrine and her friends.The hull is covered with dents and scratches.Perrine often steers it manually with a gaming controller-like device.Liae means "mother" in some alien language.The AI's voice is warm and motherly, and so is her personality.The bathtub is sometimes filled with water instead of pillows and blankets.Gravity on there is a little lower than on, for example, Earth.Since Perrine likes to have it colder, it's - for human standards - quite cold inside.🚧 under construction 🚧The ship is equipped with a:
✩ cool AI (name: also Liae)
✩ frame shift drive
✩ shield generator
✩ tractor beam

Name: D.O.T.Nicknames: Dot, tin can, i.D.i.O.T. / idiotBuilt in: ??Diameter: 1'5 ft / 45 cmPronouns: It / heD.O.T. was programmed to have the personality of a moody, old man, and also its voice reminds of one.Before the robot had found baby-Perrine in that rescue capsule and was forced to take care of her, it had either the function of a cleaning bot or was left itself on the junk planet as scrap; This will remain a secret.Appearance: Spheric, metallic blue, scratched; The display is dark, showing bright blue eyes in active-mode; has an extendable arm with a built-in vacuum cleanerLikes: Cleaning, silence, classical music, watching birds or sports, reading the newspaper, acquiring new knowledgeDislikes: Taking care of Perrine, children, cooking, playing gamesSkills: Hovers to move around, cleaning, can show holograms or pictures on its display (serves as a TV), does other robot-stuffOther:☆ D.O.T. mostly gets deactivated before Perrine leaves the ship.
Otherwise, the robot would stop her from doing stupid things..

🚧 under construction 🚧✩ With 1500 (earth) years +, the Quilon had a very long lifespan.✩ They resided in a single and highly advanced city on an ocean moon.✩ Most of them were either scientists or took care about their most valuable thing: A giant archive.✩ Since the Quilon wanted to stay among themselves, they didn't develop space travel, yet observed other systems and civilizations.Long story, short ‒ The wrong dudes found it out someday, didn't like that, and decided to wipe them out.It didn't help at all that the Quilon were pacifists..✩ Like mentioned already, they communicated via telepathy; that's what the antennae were for.

A shabby gun. (It's actually smaller)
It can switch between two modes:
stun and plasma.
She had found it on the junk-planet she grew up on, so it's very old and doesn't work reliably anymore.
Perrine only uses this gun if it's absolutely necessary.
For example, to defend herself.

A multi-pad. It's basically a combination of a tricorder and a smart phone. (Yes, you can also play games on it!)

Perrine's spacesuit.
The helmet can be mirrored.

The translator.Besides Perrine, it's the only thing left from the Quilon.When D.O.T. found baby-Perrine in that escape pod, it also discovered some sort of data storage device next to her – this brooch.The robot attempted to read mentioned data, yet they were too badly damaged.
But it installed a program (virus?), forced D.O.T. to take care of Perrine.
Later, they also figured out that the brooch can be used as a translator.

ଳ Eng/gerଳ No ERP!ଳ Semi-detailedଳ Unsourced art is mine.ଳ Open to most genres/verses.ଳ Dark themes may be present.ଳ Length varies; no need to match mine.ଳ Canon characters and OCs are welcomed.ଳ Do not steal my OCs/art/ideas, I'll find out.ଳ 5 years+ of RP experience, OC created in 2011.ଳ It's absolutely fine to be mean/to threaten/to hurt my muse.ଳ You'll occasionally see guest muses. Dot or Liae, for example.ଳ Reaching out first can be challenging for me, so please be patient! Thank you!ଳ I'm slow! You may have to wait a while to receive a reply!
Don't hesitate to bump an RP if I haven't replied within a week.
ଳ Due to the lack of activity, I rarely see what's going on the TL.
I'm sorry if I miss something important.
ଳ English is not my first language, so mistakes and confusions may occur.
If this happens, please do not hesitate to tell me.
ଳ When spending time on a planet where people aren’t familiar with aliens, Perrine 𝘮𝘢𝘺 be wearing a disguise. ⇩
If you want, you can decide!

Writer:Hello there!
Just call me Milly. C: I'm an adult and love everything space-related, cute things and jellyfish!
You can also find me on:ଳ Twitter : ChaosmicJelly (active)ଳ Blusky : ChaosmicJelly (sporadic / lurking)ଳ Tumblr : ChaosmicJelly (inactive)ଳ Mastodon: ChaosmicJelly (inactive)ଳ Discord : MillyMitch (inactive)

🚧 under construction 🚧D&D VerseEverything remains the same, but:Class:
Rogue (Thief)
Additional languages:
Common, Thieves' Cant
☆ Perrine mostly wears a dark purple, almost black cloak with cat ears..
☆ Instead of D.O.T. she has another companion ‒ a robot cat named Da'vi.☆ Her best friend is a Selkie and Druid; she'll probably talk about him sometimes.☆ She (literally) landed at this place unwillingly, but not with her own space ship..☆ Her main goal is to leave it, as it "doesn't even have a 𝘔𝘤𝘚𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦". The lack of technology is annoying as well!☆ Admires Ivy ‒ an assassin she had met. Perrine wants her to join their crew.☆ She mostly travels by horse, and, of course, it's stolen. C:

Human verseName:
3'2 ft / 97 cm
☆ first-grader☆ lives in an orphanage☆ doesn't pay attention in school☆ trouble maker most of the time, but can be very lazy too.☆ thinks she's an alien☆ frequently "escapes" the orphanage, pretending it's in fact a research lab☆ prefers to wear oversized t shirts, but is forced to wear a uniform☆ fate of her parents : unknown